
Home / Archive by category "Bankruptcy"

Bankruptcy Discharge in Hong Kong – Update

HK Bankruptcy Discharge Objections: A Word to the Wise by Wong Teck Meng Prior to 1998 it was relatively rare for a person in Hong Kong  who was made bankrupt ever to get their discharge from bankruptcy. This was because they had to satisfy a number of strict criteria, which for most bankrupts were impossible…

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Discharge From Bankruptcy – The Latest

By Rosenna Mak Although we are still waiting for the Court of Final Appeal to hear arguments regarding the constitutionality or otherwise of the discharge provisions contained in s.30A(10)(a) of the Bankruptcy Ordinance, the Administration has already responded to the decision, see here, by placing before LegCo a draft bill which is aimed squarely at…

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Bankruptcy Discharge – Thorny Issues

By Stephen Briscoe Prior to 1998 it was relatively rare for a person who was made bankrupt in Hong Kong ever to get their discharge from bankruptcy. This was because they had to satisfy a number of strict criteria, which for most bankrupts were impossible to achieve. With the introduction of the automatic discharge provision…

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Constitutionality of Bankruptcy Discharge Provisions Challenged (update)

By Rosenna Mak Just a brief update on our article entitled “Constitutionality of Bankruptcy Discharge Provisions Challenged” published last month reporting that section 30A(10)(a) of the Bankruptcy Ordinance had been ruled to be unconstitutional by the Court of Appeal.  Due the significance of that ruling, a stay of the execution of the judgement was granted,…

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