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Updates to the Winding-up Provisions of C(WUMP)O – An Opportunity Lost?

By Stephen Briscoe The Administration has now posted its first substantive response to issues raised in front of the LegCo Bills Committee back in November 2015. Here is a link to the response, but in truth it paints quite a dismal picture. First Meeting of Creditors in a Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation (CVL) Concerns have been expressed regarding…

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New Companies Ordinance Winding Up and Insolvency Conclusions Published

As most of you are aware, earlier this year the new Companies Ordinance came into force. At that time the parts of the old Companies Ordinance that had not been amended, effectively s.166 onwards, were renamed as The Companies (Winding-up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance – just rolls off the tongue doesn’t it?? Following a period…

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HK’s New Companies Ordinance a Mouthful

Hong Kong’s  new Companies Ordinance (Cap 622) comes into force 3 March 2014. The changes apply primarily to those sections of the Ordinance that deal with, for want of a better phrase, live companies. Those sections of the Ordinance that deal with dead and dying companies will remain unchanged until the current round of consultations…

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